Plenary Sessions

Distinguished researchers on the field had already confirmed their participation:

Dr. Franz Januschek, Universität Flensburg
The Crisis and Critical Discourse Analysis – why should we comment about it?”

Dr. Klaus Zimmermann, Universität Bremen
Critical discourse analysis: how to know what the receiver builds?"
Dra. María Cristina Martínez. Directora General de la Cátedra UNESCO para la lectura y la escritura en América Latina
Textuality, Inferences and Learning from the texts

Dra. Neyla Pardo Abril. Universidad Nacional de Colombia

" Plundering representation in digital media. The construction of strategies in multimodal discourse"

 Dr. Carlos Sandoval García
"Texts, audience and media. The persistence of questions"

Dra. Teresa Oteíza Silva. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

"Appraisal Theory to work in analysis of historical and social sciences discourses"

All plenary sessions will be broadcast online at